Psychological Therapy Bournemouth
Quality Therapy
Are you struggling with issues related to trauma, anxiety, depression or anticipating an operation? There comes a time when help is needed from a qualified professional to cope with many of life’s challenges.
My name is Ieuan Hopper and here at Psychological Therapy Bournemouth, I pride myself in providing a caring and efficient Psychological service. You can be sure of quality therapy from my service.
I am an award winning Psychological therapist, I have been published in scientific journals, my work has featured on the BBC news and I have lectured at a National level. I also provide Supervision to other Psychology Practitioners.
Therapy can be in-person at my venue in Hengistbury Head in Bournemouth. Or due to the delights of technology, most therapy can be provided remotely (via Zoom or other platform), which means wherever you are in the UK or the world you can access quality Psychological therapy with me.

Therapies available & Accreditations
Therapies & accreditations:
EMDR Consultant: Accredited with EMDR Europe.
CBT Therapist: Accredited with BABCP
CBT Supervisor: Accredited with BABCP
Interpersonal Therapist (IPT)
Mindfulness Therapist (9 yrs)
Psychological treatment for trauma
EMDR (Eye Movement desensitisation & Reprocessing)
CBT – Depression and the variety of Anxiety conditions.
Supervision for Psychological Therapists
Pre-operative Psychology, to help people manage anxiety & post-operative pain. Typically for people anticipating hip or knee replacements, other conditions can be discussed.
Running workshops on: Supervision, Pre-operative Psychology.
Trauma / PTSD
Whether from a recent event or something from childhood, experiencing traumas is common. The event can be bad enough, but for a number of people the impact of the trauma continues and can form into PTSD. PTSD can impact every aspect of our lives, with vivid reliving of the event(s), nightmares, hypervigilance to matching triggers, avoidance of reminders , anxiety and depressed mood.
The good news is that PTSD is treatable. There are 2 main treatment methods recommended, these are CBT for Trauma & EMDR.
I can provide both treatments, but I specialise in EMDR. I find this treatment tends to be quicker and can access a deeper processing and resolution of the memory. More information on EMDR can be found at the EMDR Association UK website. I am an accredited EMDR Consultant providing excellent therapy as well as supervisiing other EMDR therapists.

Other Therapies
CBT is a fantastic therapy for treating depression & the variety of Anxiety Disorders. I am a highly qualified and experienced CBT therapist, accredited with the BABCP for both treating & supervising others to treat difficulties using CBT. CBT is one of my specialities.
Pre-operative Psychology to manage post-operative anxiety & pain. Hip & Knee replacements.
Having an operation can be anxiety provoking at the best of times. Managing post-operative pain and anxiety around this can be a challenge. Indeed difficulties managing post-operative pain has been linked to longer stays in hospital. My Pre-operative Psychological Therapy aims to address your individual concerns and anxieties around the operation and the recovery period, while also looking to help you deal psychologically with the post-operative pain.
Typically I work with people anticipating a Hip or Knee replacement, but have also worked with other elective operations.
In studies into my work, patient’s anxiety reduces following the psychological therapy as does time spent in hospital following the operation (average: 24hrs less).
My work in this area won 1st place in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) national awards in 2018 (perioperative anaesthesia category). This is the equivalent of the Oscars of the medical world. The work was then published in the British Medical Journal. Further I have lectured on this subject to the National Acute Pain Symposium (2018) and the work won a competition there as well. This work has also featured on the BBC news. Please see my publications & media section for more information.
As an experienced CBT therapist who is accredited with the BABCP as a Supervisor, I am available to provide supervision
to other CBT therapists. Additionally I am an accredited EMDR consultant & can provide supervision for EMDR therapists.
I run regular Workshops on Supervision and can be available to run full or half day Supervision Workshops. For prices please contact me.
Anyone attending therapy with me can be sure that sessions will not be padded out and I will not encourage extra sessions that are unnecessary. The majority of my clients tend to opt for remote-therapy via the internet, typically with the Zoom website, this means that wherever you are in the UK or world quality therapy can be accessed.
CBT sessions tend to be around 50min long. EMDR sessions can be up to 90min long. The number of sessions needed varies depending on the condition & severity of symptoms. This can be discussed at assessment.
Pre-operative Psychology to manage anxiety & post-operative pain: I typically see people for upcoming hip & knee replacements. Therapy is based around CBT & last around 50min. Usually no more than 3 sessions are needed.
Pre-Assessment: free 20min discussion on whether therapy with me would be useful for you.
Therapy can be provided in person at my venue in Hengistbury Head in Bournemouth, Dorset or via internet service like Zoom. Due to Covid 19 all therapy is currently provided via video-call. I have consistent success with treatment via this method, including with trauma work.
Lecturers & Teaching
I presented my Pre-operative Psychology work at the National Acute Pain Symposium annual conference in 2018. This was well received & our abstract won a competition at the conference.
I am available for teaching & lectures for other organisations who wish to learn about providing a Pre-Operative Psychological therapy to help hospital patients. For prices please contact me.
British Medical Association Award
Anaethesia & Perioperative

Awards, Publications & Media
British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Award Winner
National Acute Pain Symposium
Journal Article
Mindfulness Research Article
Journal Article
British Medical Journal
Awards Short list (see complex surgical pain)
BBC News
Item Subtitle
Bournemouth Echo
Newspaper article
see:Â 2018 & Pre-op Psychological Interventions
Free 20min Pre-assessment phone call.
£70 for a standard CBT session (60min).
£85 for a standard EMDR session (90min).
All costs are pre-paid before the session begins via bank transfer. Unless the session is in-person where-by card payments can be accepted at the start of the session.
Contact Me
It is best to use email for the initial contact:
telephone: (uk) 07 493 635 037.